These tools are collected here to help you and your sustainability group to develop useful connections, to create fruitful and effective dialogue, and to facilitate clear planning of your sustainability actions. The resources are drawn from a wide range of best practice models and have been assessed for their value by some leading Irish community sustainability groups.
RIPEET Transition Labs Handbook
The handbook delves deeper into the Transition Lab approach for energy transitions. It provides a structured methodology on setting up, managing, and sustaining Transition Labs, emphasizing co-creation, stakeholder engagement, and regional energy innovation.
The Sketch Game: discovering your team’s diversity
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee. A drawing exercise that shows us how we can have...
Idea Evaluation and Selection
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, idea, evaluation, decision making This is a...
Stakeholder Mapping
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, policy makers, public, engagement, education,...
Organizational Self Reflection
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, ethics, gender balance, governance, open access,...
RICE Scoring Method
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, decision making, ideas ranking, RICE (Reach -...
History Map
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, visioning, back casting, assessment, history The...
Foresight or ‘futures’ exercises
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, visioning, future, foresight. Citizens should be...
The 5 Why’s Technique
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, 5ys, Five Whys. For every effect there is a...
Mind Mapping
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee, mind map. A mind map is a visual representation...
Cool down: One word before leaving (RIPEET)
Keywords citizen participation, community groups, dialogue, planning, co-operative, committee. A check-out activity used to verify everyone’s...
SCOR Method
The SCOR process helps participants plan their future actions based on the perceived strengths and challenges, as well as opportunities and...