A comprehensive resource focusing on the development and management of energy communities, particularly in the context of the H2020 COMPILE project. It highlights various cooperative models for energy communities, emphasizing renewable energy and energy efficiency. The guide includes case studies from Europe, showcasing successful implementations and practices in energy cooperatives 

Target Audience: Existing and starting energy communities, national policymakers, local authorities, and citizens interested in energy transition projects.




REScoop.eu, supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

No. of pages:


Who is this for?

Individuals and organizations involved in or interested in developing energy communities and cooperative energy projects.

Useful Questions this can answer

  • How to create and manage energy communities?  
  • What are the successful models of cooperative energy projects in Europe?  
  • How can energy communities contribute to the energy transition?  
  • What are the regulatory challenges faced by energy communities? 
  • How can energy communities be effectively financed and managed? 

Additional Valuable Info & Insights

The guide includes case studies of various energy cooperative models across Europe, emphasizing renewable energy generation, energy efficiency, and community involvement. 


Energy communities, cooperatives, models, renewable energy, energy efficiency, H2020 COMPILE project, European energy policy