Home 9 Connected Resources 9 Build a Community Structure 9 Governance and Leadership 9 Board Roles Relationships and Boundaries

This is a presentation, providing an overview of board roles, relationships, and boundaries within the context of Galway Volunteer Centre. It includes discussions on decision-making, board evaluation, fundraising, and development, as well as addressing board dilemmas and understanding the respective roles within the organization.

Target Audience: Board members or individuals in governance roles.


Jillian van Turnhout





No. of pages:


Who is this for?

Board members or individuals in community organization governance roles.

Useful Questions this can answer

  • How does the organization ensure effectiveness, accountability, and control through its board?
  • What are the processes for board evaluation and development?
  • How is fundraising and development managed within the organization?
  • What are some common decision biases and traits of unconscious bias that board members should be aware of?

Additional Valuable Info & Insights

The document includes insights on decision biases and how they can affect board members’ decision-making processes.

It emphasizes the importance of good governance and the board’s prime responsibility in ensuring it.

There are discussions on the traits of unconscious bias and how they can influence board members’ perceptions and decisions.


board roles and responsibilities, decision-making processes, governance, fundraising strategies