Connected Resources
Together with our team of community sustainability experts from the University of Galway and our community partners in Galway, Mayo, and Sligo, we are building and testing a set of resources that will assist local groups and individuals in their goal to counteract climate change and increase sustainability. These tools will be available below when we have them ready for you to use
Case Studies and Stories
Our case studies describe ind detail what other communities have done in a way that will inspire and that you can replicate
Individuals' Sustainability Stories
See what people just like you have achieved to grow sustainability by making small changes to how they do things in their everyday lives
Community Structure
This resource will help you build a team in your community that can energise your community and have real impact on local sustainability
Engagement Resource
This resource will help you build engagement, stimulate local dialogue
and boost community participation
Plan Your Actions
This resource will help you devise a plan for sustainability actions – it draws on real life experiences of other communities just like yours
Irish Carbon Footprint Tool
This tool will help you measure and then improve the impact of your choices on sustainability