This is a very useful, easy to read short guide which outlines four key steps on how a person can make changes to their diet which will have positive and climate friendly impacts.

The four steps are –

(1) Eat Local & Sustainable
(2) Eat In Season
(3) Eat More Whole Foods
(4) Eat Less Dairy & Meat

Published in Cleveland, Ohio, USA – the guide provides some additional resources – websites etc. – on each of these steps which may be of assistance to people wanting to know more about the actions they can take. The guide also has a short reference section at the end providing a list of other publications that a curious reader may wish to explore.

Some of the resources mentioned may be of greater relevance to people living in Ohio than elsewhere. However, the guide is a very good ‘general’ introduction to the topic of how our food and eating choices impact upon our environment and have implications for our climate.

Target Audience: People interested in finding out what steps they can take to reduce climate change by changing their eating habits.




Sustainable Cleveland, (Cleveland, Ohio, USA)


Sustainable Cleveland,

No. of pages:


Who is this for?

This guide is a very accessible short document which nonetheless covers a good deal of ground. It will be of use to members of the general public but more specifically to people interested in finding out what steps they can take to reduce climate change by changing their eating habits.

Useful Questions this can answer

  • How to eat in a more climate friendly way.
  • What are the connections between our food, our eating habits and climate change.
  • What is climate change.

Additional Valuable Info & Insights

This compact guide references some inspiring local projects in Cleveland, Ohio and such positive initiatives are always a useful addition given the scale and importance of the topic. The guide also has a very thought-provoking image / graphic which compares the quantity of potatoes that can be grown on one acre of land – 20,000 lbs v enough cattlefeed to produce just 165 lbs of beef.


Food, Diet, Eating, Beef, Climate Change.